
Silvia Arnone was born in Bologna on the 3rd of February 1975.

Degree in Natural Sciences obtained on 14/12/2000 at the Faculty of MMFFNN at the University of Bologna. Her degree thesis was on the reproductive cycle of the solitary coral Balanophyllia europea (Anthozoa Scleractinia) in southern Ligurian sea, with final score of 110/110;
She graduated at the Scientific Secondary School “E. Fermi” in Bologna in the year 1993/1994;
She obtained a certificate for her partecipation at the course of enviromental education, carried out by the Anima Mundi cooperative in the period of October ’97- April ’98;
Possesion of the Dive Master PADI licence, obtained at the diving school Poggi of San Lazzaro di Savena on 17/12/2001 ( I practice diving activity since 1997);
Possession of the bathing assistant licence FIN, obtained in Bologna on June 2001.
Computer knowledge: operative sistems Windows 95-98; Word and Excel.

Goffredo S., Arnone S., Zaccanti F., 2002 .Sexual reproduction in the solitari coral Balanophyllia europea (Anthozoas, Scleractinian) in the Mediterranean Sea . Marine Ecology Progress Series, 229:83-94;
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On May and June 2002 I prepared a course of Marine Biology on fauna and flore of the Mediterranean for the diving school Nibbio of San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna. Except of the lessons in class (5 meetings of 2 hours), I have written a lecture note as material for the course.
From February to May 2002 and also from February to April 2001, I offered my collaboration as an environmental instructor to CEE “Agenda 21 project for Scuolambiente and the municipality of Bologna;
From December 2000 until May 2002 I worked as a responsible of sales for the telecommunication stores “Meditel” and “Mondowind” in Bologna and for the Free Company s.n.c., of which i was a partner. In June 2002 I left the society; On July 2001 I worked as a bathing assistant for the cooperative SO.GE.SE. of Bologna, in the swimming pool Junior in Rastignano, Bologna;
From 1999 to June 2001 I worked like an occasional collaborator for the newspaper “Casa dove” of Bologna as a proofreader; From 1997 to 1999 I worked as an enviromental educator for the cooperative Anima Mundi (San Lazzaro di Savena ) and for WWF.
From 1996 to 2000 I worked as a stager of the stand of the flower company of Milan “Flomed” at the Fiera of Bologna;
Since 1995 I worked as a bartender at the Bowling of San Lazzaro di Savena.

Elementary English, sufficient knowledge of French.

Participation to holiday camps for the protection of the nature on ’95 with CTS in Lampedusa, and on 1996 with WWF in Gianola (Latina) for the protection of the sea turtle Caretta caretta.