
Lucia Mezzomonaco

Lucia Mezzomonaco was born in Forlì on March 29, 1978. She attended the Tecnical Institute “G. Saffi” where she chose the sanitary-biological sector and soon discovered her passion for biology. Dietetics diploma on the year of 1996. She is the only one in her family which didn’t follow humanistic studies, and attained the dietician diploma on 1996.

From November 1996 to April 1997 she followed a post graduate course for experts in Enviromental Techniques, recognised by the European Community, meant for supplying theoretical and practical knowledge of solid and liquid waste disposal and working spaces security. The course was completed with a two months stage at Ecological Services S.p.A in Faenza.

On 1996 she enroled at the Course of Biology at the University of Bologna.

On November 2000 she obtains the underwater diving licence of Open Water Diver, by Bologna Scuba Team.

She graduated on 18th July 2003, submitting a thesis about the population genetics and reproduction of the Mediterranean solitary coral Balanophyllia europaea, whose results have been published at the European Meeting of International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS), who took place from the 4th until the 7th September of 2002 at the Cambridge University (UK). LINK

“Evolution of the hermafroditism in animals” LINK