
Adress : Via Laioli 4, 14040, Vinchio (ASTI), Italy

Mobile Phone : (+39) 3295326987

E-mail :

Nationality : Italian

Birth (date/place) : 20/10/1986 Nizza Monferrato (AT) Italy

Langueges : italian, english (good)


Master Degree (II level):

– Marine Biology, Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna

– Graduated on July 2012 (110/110 com laude)

– Dissertation: “Ecological modelling of the phytoplankton dynamics in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)”. Supervisors: Dr. Stefano Goffredo (Almae Mater Studiorum, Bologna), Dr. Barausse Alberto (Universitas Studii Paduani, Padua), Prof. Palmeri Luca (Universitas Studii Paduani, Padua), Dr. David Iluz (Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv), Prof. Zvy Dubinsky (Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv)

Bachelor Degree (I level):

– Biology, Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna

– Graduated on July 2009 (92/110)

– Dissertation: “Variazione quantitativa dei cristalli di aragonite e calcite nell’accrescimento dell’esoscheletro di coralli mediterranei”, (Quantitative variation of aragonite and calcite crystals in growth of exoskeleton of Mediterranean coral). Supervisors: Prof. Francesco Zaccanti(Almae Mater Studiorum, Bologna), Dr. Stefano Goffredo (Almae Mater Studiorum, Bologna), Dr. Erik Caroselli (Almae Mater Studiorum, Bologna), Prof. Giuseppe Falini (Almae Mater Studiorum, Bologna)


– Goffredo S, Caroselli E, Mezzo F, Laiolo L, Vergni P, Pasquini L, Levy O, Zaccanti F, Tribollet A, Dubinsky Z, Falini G (2012): The puzzling presence of calcite in skeletons of modern solitary corals from the Mediterranean Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 85: 187-199.


– Laiolo L, Barausse A, Iluz D, Palmeri L, Goffredo S, Dubinsky Z: Fish Farm activity affect the phytoplankton dynamics in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea).


Laiolo L, Barausse A, Iluz D, Palmeri L, Goffredo S, Dubinsky Z: “Ecological modelling of the phytoplankton dynamics in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea)” Presentation. In: CoralWarm Meeting, December 12-13, 2011; University of Bologna.


– Thesis training (Master Degree) in the “Biostatistics Research Unit” with the Dr. Yuri Kamenir, Dr. David Iluz and the Prof. Zvy Dubinsky (Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel), and in the “Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences” (Eilat, Israel).

– Training in the “GenMap laboratory” of the Scientific Centre in Ravenna whit the Prof. Fausto Tinti.

– Interdisciplinary laboratory at the “Center for Marine Research R. Boskovic” in Rovinj (Croatia).

– Thesis training (Bachelor Degree) in the Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician” (Bologna, Italy) and in the Marine Science Group, Department of Evolutionary and Experimental Biology (Bologna, Italy).

– Interdisciplinary laboratory in the “Marine Biology and Fisheries Laboratory” in Fano (Italy).


– 2012: thesis abroad scholarships, “Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences”, Bologna University.

– 2009-2011: Master Degree scholarship, ER.GO (Azienda Regionale per il Diritto agli Studi Superiori).

– 2007-2009: Bachelor Degree scholarship, ER.GO (Azienda Regionale per il Diritto agli Studi Superiori).


– Experience in use of Office Package (Excel, Word, Power Point), Internet and Photoshop.

– Experience in use of the software MATLAB and in particular a tool of MATLAB named SIMULINK (it is an environment for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems).

– Experience in crystal-metric analysis: XRD (X-Celerator (PANalytical)), quantitative analysis through the program “Quanto”, FTIR (Nicolet 380 (Thermo Electron Corporation)) and qualitative analysis through the program “EZ OMNIC (Thermo Electron Corporation).

– Extraction, amplification and analysis of DNA and ancient DNA (Merluccius merluccius otholits): extraction, PCR, electrophoresis.

– Oral English level: good.

– Written English level: good.


– Boat license for vessels not exceeding 24m overall, sailing and motor, without limits from the coast.

– SNSI license “Nitrox Diver” with the SDS (Scientific Diving School).

– SNSI licence “Advanced Open Water Diver” with the SDS (Scientific Diving School).

– SSI licence “Open Water Diver” with the Bologna Scuba Team.


Passionate of all concerning sea: science, sports, animals. On the winter of the year 2007 I went in Mexico for 6 weeks for a voluntary experience with Oikos association for the safeguard of marine turtle. From the end of September 2012 I will be in New Zealand with a “working holiday visa” valid for 12 months to learn English and find a PhD about marine ecological modeling
