calegari (Mobile)

Coral Ecology & Biology Lab
Marine Science Group

Department of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences ā€“ Section of Biology
University of Bologna
Via F. Selmi 3
I-40126 Bologna, Italy
European Union

Address: Via Perlasca 14 40137 Bologna, Italy

Nationality: Italian

Date and Place of Birth: 08 ā€“ 04 ā€“ 1989 Bologna, Italy


High School Degree

Degree at Liceo Scientifico E. Fermi Bologna, address p.n.i. mathematics, physics, science in 2008.

Bachelor’s Degree

Joined in the Bachelor of Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna in the academic year 2008/2009.

Currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Biological Sciences at the University of Bologna.


Collaboration with the Botanical Garden of the University of Bologna for the construction of the information board for the section of carnivorous plants.


Driving B license awarded in 2007.

Open Water Diver SNSI at the Scientific Diving School in Bologna in 2009;

Driving A3 license awarded in 2012;


Manager responsible of the Birreria Amadeus in Bologna from October 2009 to September 2010.


Mother tongue: Italian

Other Languages: English. Good reading, writing and speaking.


Very good knowledge of the Windows and Android operating systems;

Very good knowledge of Office package (Excel, Word, Power Point), Web, Mail and Photoshop.


I have been a passionate collector – grower of carnivorous plants since 2005, I currently own a hundred specimens.

I took a course in digital photography and editing with Adobe Lightroom with Andrea Bugamelli and a workshop at Dardagna waterfalls in 2010.

I have played electric bass since 2005 and I played in two groups with which I recorded two albums and performed several concerts in the Bologna and Milan area.

I have practiced many sports including swimming, basketball, tennis, ninjutzu and currently Iā€™m practicing trekking, orienteering, via ferrata and soft air.

I am keen on custom bikes and off-road cars, which I am used to maintain, pimp and repair.