Minolta DSC

Francesco Pensa was born in Taranto on 16th April 1981.

The passions for sea, nature and science melt when, at the age of 12 years old, he start devoting himself to malacology and shells collecting.

On 1999 he creates a website for all the shells-lovers, a platform ment to gather experiences and informations hardly found elsewhere, and trying to give a less ludic and more scientific connotation to this hobby.

On 2000 he gets the diploma at “Galileo Ferraris” Scientific High School in Taranto, and he enrole to the Biological Sciences Degree course at the University of Bologna.

On 2004 he gets the Open Water Diver SSI licence, by Bologna Scuba Team.

On 2005 he joins Marine Science Group, dealing with “Sub per l’Ambiente”, the Mediterranean monitoring project in collaboration with the tourism industry, and with the websites of the research group and the Marine & Freshwater Science Group.

He has a perfect knowledge, on Windows operating system, of the Office suite (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access), Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, and HTML and Javascript languages.

In the spare time he keeps dealing with his other interests, including music (actually he plays keyboards in rock band in Bologna) and cinema.

Divulgative Publications for Sub per l’Ambiente:

Goffredo S., Orlandi A., Neri P., Scola Gagliardi M., Velardi A., Pensa F., Piccinetti C., Zaccanti F. 2005: Sub per l’Ambiente: 2002-2005, progetto biodiversità subacquea del Mediterraneo. Elisir 4: 44-47.