
Regular Professor of Zoology at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences.
Director of the Department of Experimental Evolutionary Biology for 2 mandates, since 1998 to 2001 and since 2001 to 2004.

Member of the Academic Senato of the University of Bologna.
Associate member of the Italian Zoologic Union.
Associate member of the Italian Embriologic Group.
Charter member of the Italian Association of Sweet Water Ittiology
Scientific Activities.
Premature sexual differentiation of vertebrate germinal cells.
Cytologic sexual dimorphism in non-mammals vertebrates.
Distribution and management of ittic fauna in Emilia-Romagna sweet waters.
Taxonomy of cyprinidae and salmonidae in septentrional Italy sweet waters, with cytoenzymatic tecnics and analysis of mitochondrial DNA.
Reproductive biology and demography of mediterranean madrepores.
Geographic distribution of the mediterranean species of Hyppocampus. Coastal marine environments biodiversity.

Scientific publications.
PetriniS., Zaccanti F. 1998 – “The effects of aromatase and 5alfa-reductase inhibitors, antiandrogen and sex steroids on Bidder’s organ development and gonadal differentiation in Bufo bufo tadpoles.” J. Exp. Zool., 280, pp. 245-259.
Manaresi S., Mantovani B., Anacardi F., Dal Piaz D., Zaccanti F. 1999 – “Molecular markers for the diagnosis of autochtonus Salmo (trutta) trutta (morpha fario) populations: preliminary data.” J. Fresh. Biol. 28;7-12.
Falconi R., Petrini S., Quaglia A., Zaccanti F. 2001 – “Fine structure of undifferentiated gonads Rana dalmatina tadpoles”. Ital. J. Zool., 68, pp. 15-21.
Goffredo S., Piccinetti C., Zaccanti F. 2002 – “Mediterranean Hippocampus Mission: a report of the findings following 33 months of research.” SSI Dive Business International, 2nd quarter 2002: 14 –15.
Goffredo S., Arnone S., Zaccanti F. 2002 – “Sexual reproduction in the Mediterranean solitary coral Balanophyllia europea (Scleractinia, Dendrophyllidae)”. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 229: 83-94.

Dept. Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences – Section of Biology
Via Selmi, 3
40126 Bologna, Italy

e-mail: francesco.zaccanti @