
I was born on 4th February 1983 in Bologna, at 17:05 while outside it was snowing.

I obtained the diploma at the Scientific High School “Augusto Righi” on 2002 (with a particular predilection for scientific courses) and in th same year I started my universitary stuidies in Bologna enrolling in the Degree course of Biological Sciences, Marine specialization, at the Faculty of Mathematical, Phisical ad Natural Sciences.

Since I was 10 years old I dream to be a biologist and to swim with dolphins in the open sea (maybe because my zodiacal sign is acquarium)….and, also for this, on May 2004 I obtained the SSI Open Water Diver licence by Bologna Scuba Team.

Since April 2004 I’m enthusiastically part of MSG, where I follow part of its projects on mediterranean corals biology and group’s divulgative activities.

On 15th December 2005 I take a degree in Biological Sciences with a work named:
“Sexual reproduction of the coral Astroides calycularis (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae) in Palinuro, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea”

I concluded in 2005 the course of Advanced Open Water Diver SSI at Bologna Scuba Team.

Languages: pretty good knowledge of written and spoken english. P.E.T. diploma, year 2004.

Good knowledge of Windows operating system, Office Suite, some photoediting programs (Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop) and common mail clients (Outlook and Incredimail). I have the ECDL, European Computer Driving Licence.

Extraprofessional interests are many and include Martial Arts (I practced Judo for 14 years), scuba diving, music, trekking, bicycle, travelling…and more!