
Master in Biology and Doctor in Animal Biology.
Confirmed researcher of Zoology at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences.
Course: Protozoology.
Member of the Italian Zoology Union.
Member of the National Scientific Museology Association.

Main lines of research:
Actions of neuromediators and of some increasing factors on the reproduction rhythms and regenaration of acquatic invertebrates.
Morfogenesis and sexual differentiation of the gonada of vertebrates.
Fish fauna distribution and managment of inner water in Emilia-Romagna.
Biodiversity and population dynamics.

Scientific articles:
Stagni A., Sini M.L., Falconi R., Osti A., Quaglia A., Giorgi, P.P. – 1997 – The effect of octopamine and mianserin on growth and schizogenesis in Aeolosoma viride (Annelida Aeolosomatidae). ANIM BIOL, 6: 47-52.
Falconi R., Rizzoli M., Anacardi F., Dal Piaz D., Zaccanti F. – 1999 – Comparison of fish population general lines in rivers of High and Middle Appennino Bolognese and
Romagnolo J FRESH BIOL, 28: 87-94.
Falconi R., Petrini S., Quaglia A., Zaccanti F. – 2000 – Aspetti ultrastrutturali della
morfogenesi gonadico del rospo comune. MUS REG SCI NAT TORINO: 229-237.
Falconi R., Petrini S., Quaglia A., Zaccanti F. – 2001- Fine structure of undifferentiated gonads in Rana dalmatina tadpoles”. ITAL J ZOOL, 68: 15-21.
Bigi A., Burghammer M., Falconi R., Koch M.H.J., Panzavolta S., Riekel C. – 2001 -Twisted plywood of collagen fibrils in teleost scales: an X-ray diffraction investigation J STRUCT BIOL 136: 137-143.


Dept. Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences – Section of Biology
Via Selmi, 3
40126 Bologna, Italy
e-mail: rosanna.falconi @ unibo.it